Stories & People Inside Beyondburg Family.


Chef Sonasit Tirkey

Meet ‘Sonasit Tirkey’, a regular person contributes to make your experiences way better at Beyondburg Inc.
Sonasit is from the Siliguri, a village in Nepal boarder of West Bengal. He joined as a worker in tea leaves factory after his schools just like his parents. Like many of his natives, he was also married at an early age and is a young father. As his responsibilities began to grow just like his family and livelihood needs, his comparatively small earning from tea factory was not sufficient to meet the ends. He always wanted to do something better and reasonably earning job.
“Sometimes the best things happens at the right time” says Sonasit.
One of our partners met him at the Nepal boarder with his friends, and that meeting turned into a great opportunity for Sonasit.
He came to Calicut with his other friends and joined our team. He was well determined, committed and quick learner, so things changed better for him. Now he is handling the kitchen preparations department and overall kitchen functions efficiently. He loved his job, found his chance and it pays him off to lead a happy life with his family now.
Let’s greet him for all the things he is doing to make his life better while serving us better

No. 2

Sanoj Rai (Line cook)

Meet 23 year old Sanoj Rai, another talent from Guwahati, Assam. This young man has a great fondness for traveling and cooking. On 2019, during his travel to south he ended up at our Banglore store and asked if he could join our team for few months, he never left us and still works as a core member.

His passion for work is something to admire. He joined as a gardener and made his way to becoming a waiter, His devotedness and determination took him all the way to a line cook. Sanoj encourages his workmates with his passion for work. We can proudly say that he’s one of a kind and well mannered. He enjoys making his burgers and loves bringing a smile on the customer’s face. Now He is one of our senior member and hope that we could celebrate more diwali (north Indian festival) with him.
All the luck in the world To him and his family, all wishes for you.